

Rev. Andrea Sassa Archuleta, OMC, RMT, RYT, J.D.

Andrea's Guiding Precepts:

* To take personal responsibility for my life circumstances and experiences; knowing that to be a Light-bearer (Way-shower) of healing for others, I must first and foremost be committed to healing myself.

* To accept that all challenges and relationships are opportunities for healing, empowerment, and growth.

* To know that life is an unfolding journey; that all beings are in a wondrous and miraculous process of healing, growing, creating, extending, changing, and serving.

* To recognize that attack in any form is a call for Love.

* To honor the Inner Wisdom inherent in all beings, regardless of the name one chooses to call this omnipotent Wisdom.

* To laugh at myself often and the "dramas" I may get entangled in. Then step back, let go, breath, and return my attention to allowing Peace.

* To offer the gift of Peace and Oneness always, surrendering the judgment of guilt and separation.         



...its almost ceremony time.


It has been a journey to arrive here. I have sorted through an entire life (well, at least 50 years worth) of relationships, careers, personal unravelings and re-ravelings, spiritual light and darkness, the east coast and the west coast and now New Mexico is my home.

Everything I am, and therefore everything I do, is an on-going conversation with Spirit, whom I call Inner Wisdom, about one topic. My relationship with my family - the children I care for, the cats, dogs, chickens and bees - my friends, all those I co-create with, the land we farm and the mountains we live in, are all my teachers on this topic. Its the same lesson, over and over again, 

I am One with All.  Only Love is Real.


I show up in this world to serve this singular teaching. I show up to be a way-shower for those on this path with me. I show up to be a student of these same travelers.

This is who I Am. 

It may be important to some of you to know that other "world" stuff. So, here is a brief bio:

I grew up in a New York city "bedroom" community in central New Jersey. In college, I studied psychology and english, earning a Bachelor of Arts degree with high honors from Rutgers University in 1988. I then studied law at Southwestern University School of Law in Los Angeles California and graduated with a Juris Doctorate degree in the early 1990's.

My spiritual journey began back in 1988 as I found myself developing a yearning for "something more." I didn't know what this meant or what to do about it. But something in me felt off-center, needing healing, lost for true direction. Eventually, in my first year of law school, I ended up in ACOA meetings (Adult Children of Alcoholics) and became a student of A Course in Miracles.

Two worlds were opening up to me - law and my spiritual awakening. I lived in both. After law school, I studied Reiki and was initiated as a Reiki Master in 2006. At the same time, I earned my 200-hour teacher certification in Sivanada yoga. Along the way, I trained in guided imagery techniques and life coaching, did my own deep inner child work, counseled others on their path, and always stuck close to "the Course," (a well-known shorthand reference to A Course in Miracles.)  

Then, Pathways of Light Spiritual College® came into my life. I enrolled in the College's ministerial program and became ordained as a Minister in January 2013. Now I am a facilitator for the College's courses and I teach students training to become ordained ministers. I am retired from practicing law. 

My studies in ministerial work and all the forms of spiritual counseling I practice are ever-present and on-going. Its my passion, my bliss, my pathway to knowing:    

I am One with All.  Only Love is Real.

Thank you for your time in cruising around this web site. I hope you find peace, gentleness and comfort here. And, if you are interested in a ceremony of any kind, well, let's get going!  

˜Abundant Blessings of Light and Love to you.


          Andrea and David with the bees ... 


 ... and the AMAZING honey!