
Usui Reiki

Usui Reiki is a gentle laying on of hands healing method. Reiki restores harmony and balance to your body, mind, emotions, and spirit by loosening blocked energy and revitalizing your innate wisdom to heal and be well. 

Reiki is for:

  • Reducing stress, anxiety & emotional upset
  • Supporting surgery, chemotherapy & radiation, invasive medical tests
  • Comforting those who are terminally ill & their caregivers; preparing for transition
  • Pregnancy, labor & delivery, achieving conception
  • Facilitating spiritual growth, personal empowerment & creativity
  • Supporting addiction recovery
  • Supporting healing inner child trauma & traditional counseling
  • A healthy immune system, peaceful mind, relaxed body & awakened spirit
  • Cleansing toxins
  • Calming & healing animals



CALL Reiki Master Andrea at 505.699.5066

Email Andrea here

Located in Santa Fe New Mexico



A Usui Reiki Master, Rev. Andrea Sassa Archuleta, the primary spiritual counselor at Awakening JOY Ministries®, offers private Reiki sessions and distant Reiki healing.

Rev. Andrea also trains Reiki practitioners in Level I, Level II, Level II Advanced, and Reiki Master. 

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Reiki is an ancient system of natural healing using guided energy to revitalize your body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Receiving a Reiki healing session, you lay fully clothed on a massage table. Soft, soothing music is played and your mind becomes peace-filled. Andrea then guides the Reiki energy to the exact areas where healing is needed. As this amazing energy moves through your body, you may experience sensations and images. Often, deep emotional healings occur and long-held traumas are released in Reiki sessions.

A Reiki session, from intake through re-grounding you, typically lasts 1 hour and 15 minutes.

Contact Rev. Andrea to schedule your in-person or distant healing Reiki session and about Reiki practitioner training.

For more information about Reiki healing and Reiki trainings, click a link below: